Me acuerdo, cuando era pequeña, de que cada año mi padre, durante el mes de mayo, realizaba un viaje a Menorca por trabajo. Cuando volvía nos traía siempre especialidades de esta maravillosa isla: pasteles de media luna, almendrados, escopinyes y -como no- una langosta de 1,5 Kgs. más o menos. Mi madre la cocinaba y por este motivo he pensado que podría gustar que os dedicase este plato a todos vosotros.
I remember when, every year my father was small, in the month of May, made a trip to Menorca a month approx. for work. When he returned he always brought us this wonderful island specialties. Crescent pastries, macaroons, escopinyes as a lobster and 1,5 Kgs. or so...
My mother cooked and for this reason I thought you might like that I dedicate this dish to all of you.
I remember when, every year my father was small, in the month of May, made a trip to Menorca a month approx. for work. When he returned he always brought us this wonderful island specialties. Crescent pastries, macaroons, escopinyes as a lobster and 1,5 Kgs. or so...
My mother cooked and for this reason I thought you might like that I dedicate this dish to all of you.
Ingredientes para 4 personas/Ingredients for 4 people :
- 2 bogavantes o 2 langostas vivas de 900 grs. aprox. c/u./Two lobsters, live 900 grs. approx. every one
- sal y pimienta negra y el zumo de 1 limón/salt and black pepper and the juice of 1 lemon
- salsa mayonesa/Mayonnaise
- 4 tomates rallados/4 grated tomatoes
- aceite de oliva/Olive oil
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Ses Voltes a Ciutadella (Menorca) |
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Port de Ciutadella (Menorca) |
Elaboración/Preparation :
Con un cuchillo de cocina grande o unas tijeras bien afiladas, se corta los bogavantes o langostas de forma longitudinal. Se sujetan con las manos y se separan las dos mitades con mucho cuidado. A continuación se salpimienta y se añade unas gotas de zumo de limón.
En una bandeja de horno se colocan los "bichos", con unas gotas de aceite de oliva. Lo metéis luego en el horno durante unos 3/4 minutos. Una vez transcurrido el tiempo indicado, le añadís por encima los tomates rallados y la salsa mayonesa, dejándolo 2 o 3 minutos más en el gratinador del horno... y ya está... !!!
Buen provecho.
Lo podéis acompañar de un vino blanco seco.
With a large kitchen knife or sharp scissors, cut lengthwise lobsters. They hold hands and the two halves are separated
carefully. It salpimentan and a few drops of lemon juice added above.
In a baking tray the "bugs" are placed, with a few drops of olive oil. You put in the oven for about 3/4 minutes. Once past the time indicated above will bring more grated tomatoes and mayonnaise, leaving 2 or 3 minutes in the oven grill... and that's... !!! Bon appetite.
What you can accompany with a dry white wine.
With a large kitchen knife or sharp scissors, cut lengthwise lobsters. They hold hands and the two halves are separated
carefully. It salpimentan and a few drops of lemon juice added above.
In a baking tray the "bugs" are placed, with a few drops of olive oil. You put in the oven for about 3/4 minutes. Once past the time indicated above will bring more grated tomatoes and mayonnaise, leaving 2 or 3 minutes in the oven grill... and that's... !!! Bon appetite.
What you can accompany with a dry white wine.
Consejo culinario :
Procurad partir el bogavante o la langosta sobre una superficie que os permita recoger los jugos que se desprendan durante el corte. Después los podéis volcar por encima de los crustáceos antes de meterlos en el horno.
Cooking :
Try to cut the lobster on a surface that allows you to collect the juices released during cutting. After the above may incorporate as do them in the oven.
Cooking :
Try to cut the lobster on a surface that allows you to collect the juices released during cutting. After the above may incorporate as do them in the oven.
Otra forma de hacerlo:
Una vez abierto el crustáceo, preparad una plancha de
cocina y cuando esté bien caliente, tras echarle unas gotas de aceite de oliva, colocad sobre la plancha las 2 mitades por la parte de la carne... Dejad que se cocinen durante unos 3 o 4 minutos. Transcurrido el tiempo indicado, le dais la vuelta y lo dejáis 1 o 2 minutos más. Se puede acompañar con salsa mayonesa o salsa romesco.
Es un plato delicioso.
Another way :
Once you have opened the crustacean, grab a sheet of kitchen and when it is hot, with a few drops of olive oil, put on the 2 halves of the meat... let be made for about 3 or 4 minutes. Once past the indicated time, you give him around and leave 1 to 2 minutes more. It can be served with mayonnaise and romesco sauce.
It is a delicious dish.
Another way :
Once you have opened the crustacean, grab a sheet of kitchen and when it is hot, with a few drops of olive oil, put on the 2 halves of the meat... let be made for about 3 or 4 minutes. Once past the indicated time, you give him around and leave 1 to 2 minutes more. It can be served with mayonnaise and romesco sauce.
It is a delicious dish.
Podéis comprarlos directamente en viveros, siempre os saldrá más económico, o bien en las lonjas (cuando hacen subastas de pescado).
You can buy them directly fish nurseries, you always cheaper or sliced (when they fish auctions).
You can buy them directly fish nurseries, you always cheaper or sliced (when they fish auctions).
También se puede hacer "tipo zarzuela"... pero este plato ya os lo explicaré otro día.
Buen provecho, amigos...!!!
You can also do zarzuela... but this dish I will explain, another day.
Enjoy this meal, friends... !!!
You can also do zarzuela... but this dish I will explain, another day.
Enjoy this meal, friends... !!!
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