miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014


This recipe is not the original mine ... It was sent me by WhatsApp the other day ... but I liked it so much that I wanted to post because I think you might like it as much or more than me ...
My thanks to the author by the fact to send it... !!!

- 1 kg of childhood memories.
- 2 cups smiles
- 2 kg of hope.
- 5 cans of affection
- 4 packages of joy
- One tip of madness
- 6 Kg of love
- 4 kg of patience
- 2 kg of tenderness

First, clean the memories: shows the part that does not serve. Add one by one the smiles to make a smooth paste.
Add the hope and let stand until doubled in size.
Throw in joy and mix all the estimates are. Incorporates patience, madness and tenderness and book party.
Dilute love and covered with the mixture.
Bake for your life in your heart.

Advice !!!
You can add two tablespoons of understanding and communication 300 grams to last forever.

I wish you a Merry Christmas to you all ...

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